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Enhancing Safety Culture with Smith System: A Success Story from Arlington ISD In Texas.

June 18, 2024


At Smith System®, our mission is to create safer driving environments through innovative solutions. We’re thrilled to share a testimonial from Curt Fernandez, the Director of Risk Management at Arlington, Texas ISD and the 1-800 How’s My Driving decal-based safety program, implemented through Drivers Alert, which highlights the impact of our initiatives on enhancing road safety. 

A Journey of Success: From Minneapolis to Arlington, Texas ISD

Curt Fernandez’s journey with the Drivers Alert safety program began in 2017 when he was the Loss Control Coordinator for the City of Minneapolis. Having successfully tested, and implemented the program there, he carried this commitment to Risk Management and safety with him when he transitioned to Arlington ISD in 2022. By November of 2023, with the invaluable assistance of Mihai Cercel, and the Arlington, TX ISD leadership support, the HMD program was up and running, showing promising results from the start.

Curt’s endorsement of Mihai Cercel’s performance is a testament to the dedication and professionalism that Mihai brings to our team. Having known Mihai since 2019, Curt appreciates his exceptional management style, characterized by accessibility and a hands-on approach. Mahai’s direct and efficient business instincts have been pivotal in educating Arlington ISD staff about the HMD program and fostering a safety culture within the organization. 

Exceeding Expectations in Customer Service

Curt highlights Mihai’s unwavering commitment to providing top-notch customer service. His detail-oriented nature and passion for delivering quality support have consistently exceeded the expectations of Arlington, Texas ISD’s staff. Curt describes Mihai as highly organized, reliable, and consistent, ensuring the smooth operation of the safety program. 

Curt’s satisfaction with the HMD program and Mihai’s exceptional support highlight the importance of collaboration and dedication in achieving safety goals. At Smith System, we are proud to have team members like Mihai who share our commitment to excellence. 

We are grateful to Curt Fernandez for sharing his positive experience and for his ongoing efforts to promote safety in Arlington, Texas ISD. We look forward to continuing our partnership and achieving even greater success in road safety together.

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